Wednesday, December 19, 2012


As more and more technological savvy that our world is getting these days robots are taking over. Robots have many jobs and are slowly but surely replacing people’s jobs.  Robots are getting to be as smart, if not smarter, than us humans.  We have built them so smart.   Robots these days can pretty much do everything and anything.   Some of the many jobs robots are taking over are pharmacists, lawyers and paralegals, drivers, astronauts, sales clerks, soldiers, babysitters, rescuers, sports writers and several other reporters.  It is pretty hard to believe that soon a robot will be filling our prescriptions.  Yes, they will be able to pick, package, and dispense the accurate dosage of medication.  The next time you need a lawyer instead of having to pay for lots of lawyers they have robot software that can do that for you.  They are even making cars that will be able to drive for you! NASA’s Robonaut2 is packed up with several sensors and fiver fingered hands.  This will soon be able to clean the space stations and help out the other astronauts.  There are many other things these nifty things can do, but those are a few.  There are several advantages to this, but also some downsides.  The downsides are that they are taking away the jobs of thousands of hardworking individuals, and also making us lazier.  The plus side to the robots is that they can really help us out and make our everyday lives easier.

One of the many things robots are venturing into is the wonderful medical field.  Robots play a very important and critical role in modern medicine.  They help train our doctors, dentists, and nurses, to helping nurture the patients.  The reason they might have a robot in a hospital is to help out with patients.  If there are 14 patients who need care and only 6 nurses the robot can help feed the person and when the person is suddenly unconscious the robot has analyzed this and will call for help.  Another great function of the robot in the medical field is to deliver medicine into patients bodies.  There is something called Nano Technology that helps make medicine cheaper and better.  This helps deliver medicine, especially medicine for cancer.  The medicine for cancer is placed into the Nano Robot, and is then pricked into the finger of the patient.  Then with a remote control, the Nano Robot is controlled to help find the cancer cell.  After it has found the cancer cell, the robot will then release a bomb, then the cancer will die.  There are many uses for robots in the medical field and are extremely helpful to us.  Anything that helps cure people is amazing.
















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