Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Video And Picture Page- Robot Project.

This awesome piece of surgical equipment is the Cyberknife. This is an non invasive option to surgery for treatment of cancerous and non-cancerous tumors. This can be done in any part of the body including your: prostate, lung, brain, spine, pancreas, and kidney. In this treatment it delivers high beams of radiation to the tumors. Though the name has 'knife' in it, there is absolutely no cutting involved in the procedure. It's the world's first and only robotic radiosurgery. It's a painless alternative to the patients that would prefer not to have surgery.

Now, this picture you see above it the ROBODOC system. The ROBODOC system has assisted in more than 28,000 joint replacement procerdures across the world. It has many exclusive innovations it puts the most advanced tools that you need into your doctor's hands. The ORTHODOC allows your surgeon pre-plan the surgery down to the last detail and the ROBODOC arm lets the doctor carry the plan out. If you need the total hip replacement this is the robot to find.

The picture that I have above is the Paro robot. The Paro robot is a therapeautic baby seal. This seal is supossed to have a very calming affect to patients. It's almost like a therapy dog, except in robot form. This robot has sensors and is able to respond to you. When you pet it it moves its tail and open and closes its eyes. It also produces sounds that a real seal would. This is especially a good robot for the elderly and younger children.
This is the Zeus Robotic surgical system is the robot in the picture above. This was designed for assisting in surgery. The Zeus has three arms. The first arm is named to AESOP. AESOP is voice activated and allows the doctor to see inside of you. The other to arms act like two other arms of the doctors'. Zeus was unfortunately discontinued in 2003 and expanded to something bigger.

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